Thursday, March 17, 2011


Just as Shakespeare used characters and plots from other playwrights, Faulkner also borrowed some of Will's stuff, so I guess it all comes full circle.

I was promted by Dr. Burton to look at some of the Characters in The Sound and The Fury in relation to Shakespearean characters. Here's what I've come up with:

Jason Compson= Iago. Both are hypocritical and look at women as flawed individuals. Both regard themselves as powerful men in their own realm.

Quentin Compson= Ophelia. Quentin relies entirely on the southern gentleman's code of conduct in order to know how to behave. Ophelia relies entirely on men to tell her what to do. Quentin commits suicide out of depression because he see's that the few people still regard the southern code of conduct. Ophelia is also dragged into death because of depression.

So this is kinda weak... I'm going to continue looking into this over the weekend.

Faulkner creates characters with existential angst, inescapable genealogies, and contradicting motives