Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hermione's Trial and upcoming studies..

Has anyone ever played the game "Mafia"? Hermione's trial reminded me a lot of a game of Mafia..

Player 1(King): You're Guilty
Player 2(Hermione): What else can I say other than no I am not.
Player 1: Yes you are, kill her!
Narrator (Oracle): Nope, innocent, she's a citizen.
Player 1: I don't believe it
Narrator: Yup, it's true.
Player 1: Oh, dang.
Player 2: Great, now look what you've done!

I'm a little behind in finding my niche in my Shakespeare studies and I'm meeting with Dr. Burton tomorrow, so hopefully we'll figure something out. In the meantime I plan on re-reading The Tempest much slower and with more intensity than my first encounter. I'll post about what I'm learning/observing later this week.